Committee Descriptions
Fellowship Committee (formerly Growth Committee)
The Fellowship Committee supports the church in numerous ways:
- Provides Welcome Bags to visitors
- Invites new members into Fellowship
- Retains existing members into Fellowship
- Hosts a variety of Fellowship activities including: Family Picnic, Annual Tea, Book Club and Fun Fridays with Fellowship
- Oversees Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Joins other committees in creating a presence of Pilgrim Church in the community
Missions Ministries Committee
The Missions committee supports international, national and local needs. North Star (formerly MIHN) is part of a national organization that provides food and shelter for homeless families. Our church is one of the sponsors and providers for this program. Local missions include Daily Bread and educational scholarships to church members. Many other charities have received donations including but not limited to Habitat for Humanity, Pilgrim Food Pantry, American Red Cross, Crop Walk for Hunger and the American Cancer Society. Christmas Missions Programs are also well supported by the congregation and gifts have been donated recently to Battered Women's Resources.
Thanks to members of our congregation for supporting these projects. Each one of our members helps make it possible to do God’s work locally and throughout the world.
Pastor/Parish Committee
The purpose of this committee is to:
- Work to optimize communications and harmony between the Parish and Pastor(s).
- Be sensitive to and honor matters entrusted in confidence.
- Advocate for the Pastor(s) in matters of ministry, personal concerns, and professional growth so as to promote the parish's understanding of pastoral needs in these areas.
- Be alert to sources of conflict between the Congregation and the Pastor(s)'s ministry.
- Assist in mediating potential conflicts between the congregations and pastor(s).
- Oversee the “Talk to Me” cards in the sanctuary pews. Anonymous cards or comments shall not be acknowledged.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee of this church is comprised of 2-3 church members who each serve a term from 1 to 3 years and whose purpose is to research, develop, implement, and evaluate human resource tools that assist the Pastor, the Church Council and other committees. In addition, they function to oversee the paid personnel of the Church with the Pastor in carrying out personnel matters and to conduct performance reviews for paid non-pastoral staff.
Stewardship Committee
This breaks down into two distinct, but related, tasks. First, we coordinate the annual drive for pledges and financial giving to the church by organizing stewardship speakers for Sunday morning services, coordinating the mailing of pledge cards and pledge materials, and providing support for stewardship based messages on the Sunday we designate to turn in pledge cards. We also coordinate the follow up campaign for those who have not pledged. The bulk of this work happens from October through December.