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Pilgrim Congregational Church

Worship Services

Holy Communion

We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month and at other times throughout the year. All adults are invited to receive communion. Children may receive communion at the discretion of their parents.

Homecoming Sunday
On the Sunday following Labor Day, we celebrate Homecoming Sunday. On this day we gather to greet and to celebrate coming together for the Fall season.


Hanging of the Greens ~ We celebrate the anticipation of Christmas, usually on the first Sunday of Advent.  During the service, volunteers adorn our Sanctuary with the symbols that represent our Christmas traditions.  The meaning behind these traditions is described during the service with readings, Bible passages and in song.  The Greening is one of our most beautiful and meaningful services; as we all experience the transformation of the sanctuary with wreaths, garlands, poinsettias and more.

On Christmas Eve we offer a Candlelight Family Service with Communion at 5:00 PM which includes the Christmas Story and traditional seasonal music. We often have soloists Instruments and Readers. At this service we celebrate the Incarnation, the birth of Jesus Christ.

We prepare to enter the season of Lent with our Ash Wednesday service.  This is a somber contemplative service where we acknowledge our challenges and pray for forgiveness.

Passion Week
On Palm/Passion Sunday we offer a service of the Word in our sanctuary which includes a dramatic reading of the Passion, and the distribution of palms

The Maundy Thursday service and Agape meal will take place the evening of March 28th in Fellowship Hall.

Sunrise Easter Service will be held at Sholan Farms at 6 a.m. on March 31st together with the Methodist Church.  If anyone is in need of transportation to the Sunrise or Easter services, please call the church office.  978-534-5164

Memorial Day: Service of Remembrance
We offer a Service of Remembrance on the Sunday prior to Memorial Day. During this service, we share hymns, readings, stories, and prayers for departed loved ones. At the conclusion of the service, everyone is invited to come forward and light a candle in memory of those who abide forever in our hearts, heaven, and our sacred memory. 

Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism takes place during public worship and is arranged through consultation with the pastor.

New Members

New Members are received throughout the year after consultation with the pastor.